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Hawaiian Poi Recipe

Hawaiian Poi

Hawaiian Poi


Poi, the traditional Hawaiian staple, is a starch dish made by pounding boiled taro roots and mixing with water until it reaches a smooth consistency. “Taro is one of the most nutritious starches on the planet,” says Polynesian Cultural Center Ambassador of Aloha Cousin Benny. Some Hawaiians eat their poi with salt, some with sugar, even soy sauce. Some like it thicker or thinner. Others like it several days old for a little extra tang; and malahini, or newcomers, might find it more to their liking at first if they eat it with a bite of kalua pork or lomilomi salmon.

Yield: 1 12-inch bowl


Fresh poi, 1 bag (16 oz)


  1. Place poi in large bowl.
  2. Mix by hand, adding a little water at a time.
  3. Continue mixing and adding water until of desire consistency.
  4. To store in refrigerator add a thin layer of water over the poi to prevent it from drying out.
  5. If poi is hard, remove it from bag and place in a baking pan, cover with clear wrap.
  6. Steam for 20 minutes.
  7. Remove and add cold water and mix to desired consistency. Serve cold or at room temperature.


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