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Pipi Kaula Recipe

Pipi Kaula

Pipi Kaula


Hawaiian-style jerky – flank steak strips marinated in soy sauce, red peppers and water, dried in a dry box.


2 lbs flank steak
3/4 cup soy sauce
2 tablespoon Hawaiian salt
1-1/2 tablespoon sugar
1 each clove garlic, minced
1 each piece ginger, crushed
1 each red chili pepper, crushed (optional)


Cut beef into strips about 1-1/3 inch wide. Combine all other ingredients and soak beef in the sauce overnight. If you have a drying box, place the meat in hot sun for two days, bringing it in at night. If drying in the oven, set oven to 175 degrees. Place meat on a rack such as a cake cooking rack. Place rack on a cookie sheet and dry meat in oven for 7 hours. Keep in refrigerator.


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