educational resources
Our new Education and History site provides our online guests with a number of activities, historical overviews, recipes, how-to videos, entertainment and so much more. One Ohana, sharing Aloha!
polynesian culture & history

polynesian culture & history
This section provides reports, blog links, write-up, videos and more covering a wide range of cultural and historical information of Polynesia.
Explore the Islands of Polynesia. More information...
videos - teach & entertain

videos - teach & entertain
Bringing you entertaining and informative videos about all aspects of Polynesian living and the Polynesian Cultural Center!
Learn the island way. Watch videos now...
keiki activities

keiki activities
This special section includes lots of fun and educational information for keiki and adults alike!
Reward your student with island stamps. Download children activities
easy island recipes

easy island recipes
easy island recipes
As far as we are concerned, there is nothing better than island food. Learn some of our traditional ways and enjoy some great recipes.
View recipes now. Review delicious recipes...